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José Luis Ruiz Torres | Everardo Chiapa Aguillón
Instituto Estatal Electoral de Hidalgo | Colegio del Estado de Hidalgo |

Affirmative actions in electoral matters represent temporary measures aimed at including historically marginalized groups in leadership and decision-making roles. While Mexico has made progress in achieving gender parity in Congress, gaps remain in the representation of other marginalized groups, including young people, indigenous communities, individuals with disabilities, and members of the LGBTTTQ+ community. At the local level, the state of Hidalgo has implemented inclusive rules for candidate nominations during the 2023-2024 local electoral processes. These rules compel political parties to exclusively nominate candidates from underrepresented groups, thereby limiting the options for those not benefiting from affirmative action. This research explores the relationship between affirmative action policies and their impact on political-electoral rights and the efficiency of candidates’ selection. Specifically, it explores how these policies influence candidate allocation within political parties, assessing competitiveness at the district and municipal levels. The central research question is: How do affirmative action measures impact both political-electoral rights and the complex process of candidate selection within political parties? Using both quantitative and qualitative data on historical electoral and party candidacies, this study focuses on the consequences of affirmative action in the realm of political participation.

Panel GT: 2024-07 Autocratización y democratización en el Siglo XXI

Status: Accepted-Aceptado
Modalidad: Ponencia Presencial(Madrid)